
Day 3- Venga! Venga! Venga!

Today was all about going up, up and up some more. I kind of felt like the tour guys going over multiple passes in a day - only difference they do it twice as fast and with crazy fans on the side of the road yelling and screaming. Only screaming i heard today was the howls of motorcycles screaming by as they flew, i mean flew up the mountain. You can hear them coming from a mile back as they throttle out of the corners. It was cool to watch the good ones fly by setting themselves up for corners at 60-70mph - 21 switchbacks worth! On the way down my last time i saw this guy shooting photos - a Bruce Adlesman, Skinnyski version of Mt Palomar, motorcycling - Rick Clemson. Super nice guy, think i'll have to buy a shot as a reminder of December RAAM Camp.
Anyway, since it was my last day with a car, i wanted to go north one last time and climb as much as i could. I had 6 hours, so i figured i could climb Palomar 3 times - worked out to be perfect. I started in Rincon where the climb begins. It climbs 5 miles to South Grade Rd, where the real climbing begins for the last 7 miles. It took me 1.5hrs up, .5 down. I felt pretty good, and was happy that each one was 5-6 minutes faster than the previous, so i was staying consistent. Went with mainly liquid nutrition today as i wanted to test it out when going harder - as that is when i seem to get into stomach trouble...and it seemed to go ok. More needs to be done with this before the race. It is a huge issue and has to be totally dialed in. Also made me realize, i need a 29 for climging. The 25 is great, but when my legs get totally blown, a 29 will be essential so i can continue to spin and give my legs a break every once and a while. Day 3 done, tomorrow a long ride finally.

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