
Maple Syrup 101

Before heading to California, i had to head to my parents...and March in northern Wisconsin means collecting sap to make maple syrup. The boys and i had a great time tromping through the woods filling 5 gallon buckets with sap and loading them into a 50 gallon container pulled behind a 4-wheeler. I have a whole new respect for the effort that goes into such a tasty morning treat. Tomorrow, back to the business of riding my bike across the country. Stay tuned, a full report to follow the epic 800 mile, 2.5 day training ride from San Diego to Durango.


Anonymous said...

good luck out there dude!

Denise said...

Here's the photo I was looking for! Hello to all the Popps. Ben, the best of luck to you. I remember you as a kid, a bundle of pure energy. Perhaps this race is your equal. We will be with you on-line.

Denise and John Erler