
Round'n Round

Well, i'm trying to get into the groove of my winter training back in the thick of Minnesota winter. Below zero temps coupled with little snow has made it challenging. Last night we finally got another dump of snow so skiing is back in the fray. My lifting has been going ok, but it really needs to get consistent for the next 8 weeks - i think it can be a huge help. i got the winter ride (old Specialized StumpJumper with drop bars and Veloce) finally up and running - it makes riding in crappy, snowy conditions a breeze and is good for my strength building (riding around on a near 30lb bike).

With that said, i thought it time to try something new.....speed skating! Bruce Adlesman (www.skinnyski.com) and i headed up to the oval in Roseville and took the Wednesday night class. It was awesome! You can really fly on those things. I see a new form of racing in my future, once i get it down. It is super technical - like anything, the pros on TV make it look so effortless, but once out there and you begin to learn, you quickly realize how difficult it is. Our instructor Steve was patient and really helped us so we didn't pick up any bad habits from the start. If you are looking for something new, it was a gas. Super hard on the legs and lower back.

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